Finding Key Result Areas (From The Introvert Teacher)

As teachers, we not only want our learners to come away with new knowledge and skills but we also want to be a positive influence in their lives. We want to make an impact on them.

What, then, is the skill set we need in order to make the largest impact? Also, how do we perform these skills with excellence?

You may not have the skill set yet, or your skills could be at a low level of competency. Hence, development of the skill set is as important as identifying it.

How do we get this going? Let’s find out:

1) Write a list of the things you do in your work on a day-to-day basis.

You should do this for a fair period of time – two to three weeks at least.

For example, I research my topic and produce presentation slides for my sessions, procure useful videos, prepare for my session mentally and logistically, travel to my destination of teaching, start the lesson, go through my presentation, conduct activities, check for learning and evaluate my lesson.

What about you?

2) Answer this question for each of the listed things: ‘Why am I doing this?’

This boils down to your personal motivation for your tasks. If you cannot find a good reason for doing them, either discard them or delegate them to someone who is better at doing them.

3) Answer this question next: ‘What is a better or more efficient way to do this?’

Once you’ve come up with something, can you do it that way? Sometimes, we are encumbered by red tape and other obligations. It isn’t always possible to do things in the most efficient manner, but if you can, by any means, then do so.

Target 3