A Grey December - Looking Towards A Brighter January

December for many is a month of celebration, gatherings, parties, feasting, and all-around cheer.

Especially considering the weather this December is unusually cool, apparently even going to drop to 22°C in the first half of the month, I’d say it’s a fair use of the last month of the year.

I have to say, though, that this was not a great year for me.

Professionally, it has been exceedingly slow. Although there is certainly some movement in the right direction, most things seem to either be at a standstill or appear to be going backwards. It’s hard to explain what happened exactly, but I imagine that 2019 will almost definitely be an improvement.

Although I do feel like I’m slightly stuck, things will get better.

Goals-wise, I’ve missed a few, I don’t mind admitting. Though I could come up with all sorts of excuses, I’m pretty much responsible for not following through on them. I’ll have to do some tweaking of these goals for next year.

One thing I’ve learned about goal-setting is that it takes a lot of effort to stay on track. As such, I’m going to make fewer ‘big picture’ goals and more ‘step-by-step’ ones. Also, I’m going to have to make ‘review and update’ a step in and of itself.

In a few weeks, I’ll be sitting in a familiar spot planning goals for the year of 2019, coming up with another Word of the Year, and looking forward to a brighter January.

Until then, it’ll be a Grey December.

Sunrise On a Rocky Beach