
Creative Juices Don't Always Flow

There are days when the creative juices just aren't flowing, no matter how hard you try to squeeze.

When that happens, and I know that it's not because I'm tired, either mentally or physically, I have to switch it up.

I go into input mode, reading, watching interesting videos about topics I'm not familiar with, following conversations online, etc.

And it's very easy to get stuck in that mode, so I have to consciously check every now and then if I'm ready to create again.

And then, it's back to coming up with more new things.

Spend More Time Generating, Less Time Consuming

If I could turn back time, I'd probably have spent a bit more time generating and that bit less time consuming.

Not that I regret the time I've spent perusing, pondering, and planning, I just feel that I could have put my creative processes to more use.

Coming to this realisation, I can do more moving forward.

Write more.

Take more pictures.

Cook more new dishes.

I don't need to pick up new art forms, because I've already chosen mine, and would rather spend the time honing them.

So there it is, perhaps it'll be my Word of the Year in 2022.