
Knee-jerk Reactions, Better Safe Than Sorry? Consider the Consequences First.

Knee-jerk reactions over the unknown.

Like a child adamantly refusing to enter his own room until the light is switched on, it's a self-preservation mechanism.

Behind it is a bit of the old adage, "better safe than sorry". And it's understandable.

Nobody wants to put themselves in potential danger.

And yet, there are consequences to every reaction.

It will be prudent to consider them.

My Favourite Question. Why?

"Why?" is my favourite question.

It has caused me to seek answers in library books even before the advent of the ubiquitous Internet search engine.

It has propelled me to polish my reasoning and analytical skills through deep pondering and ruthless scenario-building and -destroying in my head.

It has caused me to learn to connect things and also to take them apart.

I cannot imagine my life without this question of questions.