Understanding Introversion in the Modern World - extract from The Introvert Teacher

The world today is an extrovert’s paradise, with plenty to do and get caught up in. Without getting too far into history, much of this has to do with Western society’s obsession with big dreams and larger-than-life personalities.

As the world becomes more westernised, these values inevitably become part of popular culture. Today, we are so inundated by them that our behaviour and mindsets have started to align with them.

Leaders in today’s world are often appointed based on how well they speak, how quickly they make decisions and how well they can build rapport with people. Products gain popularity through widespread advertisements, attractive packaging and catchy slogans.

Even services have to be made to appeal to the mass market through careful targeting, meticulous data analysis

and extensive conceptualisation before they can be introduced for sale.

Is any of this wrong in and of itself?

Certainly not!

It is merely how the modern world works.

For good or evil, it will continue to change, and what we can do is to be updated and adapt to it.

Since that is the case, let us, as introverts, recognise this, accept it and roll with it, not with a feeling of disenchantment or disappointment, but with a spirit of graciousness and a sense of adventure. After all, we have some really good things going for us as introverts.
